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HMADS Science Fair 2020

Oakland Gardens, NY- The 32nd Annual Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School–HMADS Science Fair 2020, took place in the second week of March where the student from 1st grade to 6th participated, presenting their science projects across its many fields, displaying diagrams of the anatomy  of the human body organs and using scientific methods to describe their experiment results and graphic demonstration  of their science projects.

AESA-NE members were invited on Thursday March 12 afternoon to participate and judge the inventions of the 3rd 4th 5th and 6th grade students who were diligently preparing their inventions for months for presentation to be judged on their creativity, practicality, patentability and for verbal and visual presentation of their inventions. All the students eagerly were waiting to present their invention in front of the judges and parents and their teachers. This Year judges were from AESA-NE board Members, Aram Setian, Founding president, David Michaelian, Treasurer and Hovhannes Mardirossian, president emeritus and Chairman of Technology and Education. Prior to students presentation of their innovation, David Michaelian, exited the student and the audience with a tiny Artificial Intelligent (AI) robot toy, which was able to listen  to a  human commands and intelligently arrange  3 existing blocks on the table to find and complete the given command. Students were fascinated what this tiny, but intelligent toy was able to do. This year instead choosing 1st 2nd and 3rd place winners from all participants, only one winner was selected from each class for their innovation, based on the above criteria, and each winner was given an appreciation certificate along with $50 gift card. These gift cards were donated by AESA Board member Vahan Tanal as he has been doing that every year. Besides the 4 winners out of 27 participating students, all the participant received appreciation certificate along with $25 gift card, donated by AESA-NE Board member Nichan Tchorbajian and AESA-NE board members.

The student projects were very creative, original and useful innovations, such as self-navigating shopping cart, transparent grill cover, Ice Cream Cone spill catcher, Handless Umbrella, Pro Light for helmets, Car Seat Wormer, Multipurpose umbrella, just to mention few.

The winner from 3rd grade was, Ani Ghadimian, for “heat to eat” a lunch container, the 4th grade winner was, Angelina Papazian, for her double purpose toothbrush the  “Dental Hygiene” invention. 5th grade winner, Ashley Garzilli, for “The HULK”, all-purpose useful survival kit. The 6th grade winner was Arsen Saraydarian, “Baseboard Heater Improved”, which had significant design improvement from the previous year’s design, by incorporating use of solar energy and room motion sensor to make the baseboard heater circulate heat more efficiently in a cold room.AESA members recognize the intelligence of these kids and especially the support of the teachers and the Principal of the HMADS, Mrs. Seta Tavitian Megherian, whom they are encouraging and invigorating these young students’ imagination and creativity.


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